About Advanced Microtechnology, Inc.

Advanced Microtechnology, Inc. (AMT) is a private company, founded in 1977.  Our Corporate offices are  located in  Milpitas, California. 

AMT manufacturers a  wide range of burn-in test systems and support  products under the OPTIMUM series name  . These   products provide component test, environmental screening and process evaluation. Both standard and custom systems are available for production and engineering applications. All types of electronic components may be tested with Optimum product family. 

AMT also designs and manufactures burn-in boards for the standard product line and any user burn-in system product. An associated product, the  ATS1024 board test system is used to maintain test boards and is sold to our customers as a product extension to any burn-in system facility.

In addition to turn-key system solutions, AMT specializes in test system components, to meet our customers unique needs should they need to upgrade or modify their existing test or burn-in systems.

Our field engineering core can upgrade your existing systems regardless of the manufacturer to give you state of the art performance while minimizing your capital cost. Your core system hardware may be used for new test functions provided through enhanced electronics and software. Think green, recycle your existing systems through hardware and software upgrades.

Our PC-based OPTIMUM software control technology offers test solutions for the general industrial marketplace. This technology has been applied to microprocessor, general ASIC technologies, as well as memory testing. Unlimited data collection and analysis capability can be provided in a mass test environment.